The Codification of Native Papuan Languages in the West Papua Province: Identification and Classification of Native Papuan Languages


  • Warami Hugo


Codification, identification, classification, Native Languages of Papua, The West Papua


This study aims to discuss how regional languages as the local language of Indigenous Papuans (OAP) in West Papua Province can be codified at this time or at least approach the ideal situation identified and classified by the State (government), so that local languages can be documented accurately and right. Starting from the idea that the extinction of a language causes the loss of various forms of cultural heritage, especially the customary heritage and oral expressions of the speaking community. There are two main problems in this study, namely: (1) Identification of the regional language of indigenous Papuans in West Papua Province, and (2) Classification of regional languages of indigenous Papuans in West Papua Province. This study uses two approaches, namely (1) a theoretical approach and (2) a methodological approach. The theoretical approach is an exploration of the theory of language documentation, while the methodological approach is a descriptive approach with an explanative dimension. This study follows the procedures of (1) the data provision stage, (2) the data analysis stage, and (3) the data analysis presentation stage. The findings in this study illustrate that the languages in West Papua Province can be grouped into four language groups, namely (1) Austronesian phylum groups; (2) West Papua phylum group; (3) Papuan Bird Head phylum group; and (4) the Trans West Papua Phylum Group. The four language groups are categorized into two broad families, namely Austronesian and Non-Austronesian. The codification of language in West Papua can be grouped: (1) the ecological typology of language (phylum), (2) the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) data base, and (3) the data base of the Indonesian Language Guidance and Development Agency.

