Mapping Bengal’s factors and Indianization of Southeast Asia


  • Sharmin Akhtar


Bengal; Southeast Asia; Indianization; Maritime trade; Culture


This paper aims to examine the strategic factors and capacities Bengal utilized in playing her active role in the Indianization of Southeast Asia since the early period. Migration towards Southeast Asian regions from Bengal came about within the stream of Indianization with carrying ancient Bengal’s norms and elements concerning trade, culture, and politics. As a regional entity of India, ancient Bengal contributed to Indianization from 400 BCE to 800 CE by maritime trade, religious and cultural palpitate and political contact. She exposed herself with the richness of the regional cultural solemnity and individuality. From this view point, how Bengal capacitated to contribute to Indianization is a question. In answer to this question, the present study analyzes the capacities Bengal achieved and made herself suit for keeping contribution behind Indianization, and the maritime trade, socio-cultural and political situation prevailed at that period in Bengal. To craft the output, through using the historiographic approach, the ancient Indian texts and archaeological evidence-based literature used as primary sources, and literature published as books and articles have also consulted. The study’s result would provide the newest upbringing in fulfilling the literature gap regarding the role-playing strength, capacity, and components of Bengal worked behind taking place the Indianization in Southeast Asia.

