
  • Anvar A. Togaev
  • Abdulaziz A. Shermukhamedov


trailer, frame, method, testing, dependability, reliability characteristics, reliability indicators, mathematical model, endurance tests, cycle of loading, complexity


Article looks through the justification of the projected frame reliability characteristics of the trailer and its components. Given desired level of reliability for the frame as a whole promoted calculation of the required parameters of reliability, including the probability of failure-free operation and mean time between failures elements of the trailer frame. The substantiation of indicators of reliability and durability of the projected trailer frame is carried out. Based on the calculation of the complexity factors of the frame elements, the required reliability indicators were calculated, including the probability of non-failure operating (PNFO) and the mean time between failures (MTBF). To assess the durability of the frame, the formula has been proposed with the correction coefficient εc, which can be used to calculate the resource of trailer frames made of elements of rolled steel of various grades. Mathematical model for evaluating the durability of the trailer frame is also proposed, based on the Weibull distribution and the power equation of the fatigue curve. Specific example shows the adequacy of the proposed formula to experimental values (The deviation from the experimental values of The Central Scientific Research Automobile and Automotive Engines Institute “NAMI” is 9 %).


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