Agro-based industries in Bihar


  • Saheblal Paswan


agriculture, agro-based industries, Bihar, commercialisation of agriculture, food processing policy


Agro-based industries play a vital role in the development of India’s rural economy, which has been receiving increased attention from the central as well as state governments, in view of importance to the national reconstruction. The economic prosperity of a developing country like India depends largely on the development of agro-based industries which in turn leads to the creation of forward and backward linkages of the development process on large scale by making mutual complementary of agriculture and industries.
Agriculture based industries provide maximum employment in rural India and help the farmer get better price for his produce, thus increasing substantially, his quality of life. Agro-industries, which are largely village-based industries have the best potential for employment generation and also require less capital. Agro-industries are now considered as the sunrise sector of the Indian economy in view of its large potential for growth employment and income generation. The present paper makes an overview of Agro-Based industries in Indian context in general and Bihar in particular.

