digital information, digital footprint, Smart Industry, signs of digital information, investigation of cyber attacks, digital information carriersAbstract
The article deals with the concept of digital information as an integral content element of individual components of the Smart Industry. The establishment of digital information becomes necessary in the framework of the detection and investigation of cybercrime (including cyber attacks of industrial enterprises). The authors analyze the concept of digital information and point out the lack of its legislative consolidation. It is noted that the text containing various personal or corporate information can act as digital information. If this information is important for establishing the fact of a cyberattack of an enterprise, the circumstances of a criminal, administrative, civil or arbitration case, it will act as an object of forensic research and be expressed in a digital footprint. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the properties of digital information, which made it possible to identify its features: representation in digital form; mediated by a material carrier; the ability to be transformed (recoded) and copied; collected, investigated and used only with the help of special technical means. In the course of studying digital information, it is important to take into account not only the type and properties of the information itself, but also the features of its material carrier. It is concluded that the quality of a particular material carrier can directly affect the security of digital information, access to it at all stages of the study.
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