
  • Gulsarahon OSTANAKULOVA
  • Jamshid JALILOV


motivation, motivational method, material method of motivation


The main goal of the paper is to evaluate the impact of motivational methods to employees and consumers of light industrial enterprises' products. The paper included definitions of motivation and motivational methods in order to identify those methods that are important to consider when evaluating the levels of motivation. The purpose of the measuring instrument was to identify the rank importance of these identified methods of motivation and to evaluate impacting levels for employees and consumers by measuring the extent to which these factors are provided for in the organization. We analyze the impact of motivational methods in the light industry, in conditions of economic modernization. Motivation methods are analyzed the impact of imposing light industry enterprise's employees and consumers of light industrial enterprise's products.
The major findings indicated that some of the methods of motivation were provided for to a great extent, while others had serious shortcomings.


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