Physico chemical analysis of spring water used in Anger: Gutie Town, East Wollega, Ethiopia


  • Manayesh Admasie Bogale


Spectro-photometric methods, Physico–chemical parameters, spring water, Ethiopia


Water quality is essential parameter to be study when the overall focus is sustainable development keeping humanity at focal point, since it has directly linked with human welfare. The present study conducted to assess the spring water quality in Anger Gutie Town East Wollega, Oromia, Ethiopia. The samples were analyzed for six physico–chemical parameters (Temperature, pH, Total dissolved solids, Total Suspended Solid, Electrical conductivity, Turbidity), for eleven major chemical parameters (Al3+,Cr+6,Cu, Mn, Fe,K+,SO4 2‾, PO4 3‾, NO2‾–N, F‾, Cl‾), and four other physico–chemical parameters (SiO2, NH3–N, Total hardness, and Dissolved oxygen) using standard methods. The analyzed parameters in waters were below the currently recommended guidelines for drinking and irrigation water quality.

