Just take to online advertising! But is it that simple?


  • Himanshu Tandon


online advertising; internet usage; disruption; and formats


The interest in advertising on the Internet is no new, however the jury is still out of just how effective and relevant this is for all businesses. The academics and Industry practitioners are still struggling with – developing, and evaluating, the various evaluation tools relevant for this domain. The discussions are still on regarding the most suitable formats, the level of intrusiveness ( that works), the disruption potential, and the overall effectiveness measures (to be utilized).
Most Consumer based studies tend to focus on the reception and intent to purchase (or Intended action stimulus) in relation to the online advertising. These studies have generated considerable insights into the related variables, and their interplay, however, this particular paper seeks to holistically cover almost similar themes from both the (selected) corporate and the customers’ side. The attempt here is to match the responses and to keep the findings focused on only one broad produc

