somatism, somatic phraseology, phraseological meanings, methodology, methodological colorfulnessAbstract
The phenomenon of synonymy that exists in linguistics is characteristic of both speech and expression, but the level of distribution of this phenomenon in the dictionary and phraseology is not the same. The article provides information about the expression of this phenomenon among phraseological units in the Uzbek language. There are certain opinions about the work being carried out in this regard in world and Uzbek linguistics. Many phraseological expressions in the Uzbek language were used to explain the reasons for this phenomenon, as well as the methodological field. Synonymous expressions in the Uzbek language are analyzed in the article. The results of the analysis are confirmed by examples from fiction. The homonymy of the phrases made it possible to study them by analogy based on the material of the linguistic dictionaries of the Uzbek language, which in turn helped to better understand the semantic and grammatical essence of the phraseological meanings.
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