oral cavity, oral manifest, ACE-2 receptor expression, IgA level, IL-17 level, bacterial culture, C-reactive protein (CRP), SARS-CoV-2.Abstract
The study included 254 Covid-19 positive patients, from which 105 eligible patients were selected. The aim of the study was to determine the damage to the oral cavity in various degrees of severity of coronovirus infection, for early prediction of the clinical course of COVID-19 by using modern methods for studying local immune and inflammatory responses of the oral mucosa. During the study, the state of the oral cavity, laboratory data, including the determination of the level of IgA and IL-17, were studied, as well as bacteriological culture was carried out. During the study, an oral manifest was determined, indicating a high expression of ACE-2 receptors in the oral cavity, an inverse correlation with the clinical course of the disease and the state of the oral cavity, a complete blood count is less informative compared to determining the level of IgA and IL-17.
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