
  • Khaydarova Dilorom Safoevna


mnemotechnique, associations, memorization mechanisms, educational process, medical universities


The training of future doctors presupposes the reliable assimilation and retention in memory of a large amount of information necessary for their further professional activities. For more efficient and less laborious memorization, storage and reproduction of various information in the educational process in medical universities, methods of mnemonics can be applied - a set of methods and techniques that facilitate memorization and increase the amount of memory by creating artificial associations. At the same time, information that is difficult to remember is most often transformed in some way and turns into a form that is convenient for memorization. The use of the method of associations in the classroom contributes to the development of creative activity and logical thinking of students, improves the mechanisms of memorization, preserving the information received in long-term memory, enriches the vocabulary and the level of knowledge of future doctors. The methods and techniques of mnemonics proposed for the study of medical subjects are used by us in the process of teaching the subject of Pathophysiology to students of all faculties of the Samarkand Medical Institute. The ease of use of mnemonic methods and techniques, the clarity of the developed teaching material and the original style of its presentation make such training accessible to a wide student audience.


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