chronic tonsillitis, pharyngoscopy, tonsillitis, modern treatment approachesAbstract
The high prevalence of chronic tonsillitis among children, the lack of consensus on the occurrence and development of the disease, the lack of effectiveness of conservative methods of treatment, as well as the adverse effect of the pathology of the palatine tonsils on the course of some diseases of the internal organs indicate the need for further research in this area. Given the extreme urgency of this problem, it is quite understandable to pay close attention to it from national and international scientific medical associations. In assessing the health status of the population, indicators of the prevalence of chronic ENT diseases play an important role. Timely study of the prevalence and structure of chronic tonsillitis allows planning and improving specialized ENT care, developing not only specific treatment and prevention tactics, measures for each patient who applied, but also evidence-based measures to improve the organization of the ENT service.
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