ovaries, cysts, cystoma, tumor-like, adolescentsAbstract
Objective: To study the role of ultrasound diagnostics in cystic and tumor-like ovarian formations in adolescents. Methods: The study included data from 167 adolescents who were treated for cystic and tumor-like ovarian masses for the period from 2000 to 2021 inclusive. Results: In our study, we analyzed the data of 167 patients diagnosed with cystic and tumor-like ovarian formations. Ovarian apoplexy from the entire group of patients was 47.3%, cystic changes 45.5% of which in 21% were accompanied by such complications as cyst torsion and necrosis, 4.2% were cystomas and ovarian tumors 3%. In a comparative analysis of ultrasound data and a description of pathology in the ovaries during surgery, the reliability of ultrasound was 87%, and the sensitivity was 89%. The size of the ovarian rupture ranged from 0.2x0.2 cm to 4.0x5.0 cm, in most cases 75.6% revealed ruptures of 1.5x2.0 cm Conclusions. The main way to diagnose this pathology is a combination of clinical and ultrasound examination, which always allow to determine the size, localization, shape, consistency and mobility of the formation. For the purpose of early detection of this pathology, ultrasound monitoring of the pelvic organs is necessary. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is one of the main methods of diagnosing ovarian formations.
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