large intestine, ulcerative colitis, immunology, inflammationAbstract
Currently, special attention is paid to chronic inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the pathology of the digestive system. In their structure, one of the leading places is occupied by inflammatory diseases of the colon, which include non-specific ulcerative colitis. They are severe from the point of view of course and prognosis of diseases, the frequency of which in recent decades continues to increase steadily around the world. The disease is characterized by a long, persistent course, a tendency to seasonal exacerbations and severe complications, a high level of disability, and affects mainly people of young and mature working age. To date, no leading etiological factor initiating the development of NUC has been identified . In recent years, the state of the immune system has become increasingly important in the pathogenesis of NUC, which largely determines the selection of immunocorrection and the outcome of the disease. The pathogenesis of diseases is a process of extremely complex and complex interaction of self-sustaining pathophysiological processes, autoimmune inflammation, developing against the background of a genetic predisposition to an inadequate immune response both from the body's immune system as a whole and the local immune system of the gastrointestinal tract in particular. In this regard, much attention is currently being paid to studying the features of the function of T - and B-lymphocytes, as well as cytokines — inflammatory mediators. Recently, material has been collected in the study of the pathogenesis of NUC, which confirms the importance of changes in individual parts of the immune system: a decrease in the total number of cells in the immune system. T- lymphocytes, heterogeneity of their subpopulations, as well as disorders of B-lymphocytes and natural killers.
Thus, the study of the features of changes in the immune system depending on the severity and form of the disease, the activity of the pathological process in the colon, the development of clinical and immunological diagnostic criteria, predicting the outcome of the disease and the development of principles of immunocorrective therapy is currently relevant.
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