secondary vocational education, educational achievements of students, learning outcomes, learning, learning ability, abilityAbstract
In the modern system of teaching general education schools, the problem of assessing the educational achievements of students is the most relevant. This is explained, on the one hand, by the versatility of the problem of evaluation, the tasks and functions of which are so extensive. On the other hand, this is due to the complexity of the concept of "learning achievements of students", the composition and structure of which have not yet been clarified. The article analyzes the essence of the concept of "educational achievements of students". From the point of view of the system of secondary specialized education, an attempt was made to identify the connection of this concept with related concepts. Pedagogical literature provides many terms, each of which can become the object of pedagogical assessment. These are “knowledge, skills and abilities”, “training and learning”, “learning outcome”, “level of preparedness”, “trainees' ability”, “level of assimilation”. The competence-based approach to learning allows us to consider this concept even more broadly. The composition and structure of the components of educational achievements of students in general education schools is not limited to listing knowledge, skills and abilities.
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