large intestine, colitis, immunology, inflammation, T-lymphocytesAbstract
Inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis) is a severe and common bowel disease. Although they occur in any region of our planet, they are more likely to get sick in economically developed countries. To date, information has accumulated on the development of numerous immunological disorders in ulcerative colitis (Burmistrova A.L., 1988; Loranskaya I.D., 1983; Kirsner J.B., 1989; Jewell D.P., 1987). However, the etiology of this disease remains unknown. At the same time, the accumulated significant factual material on the immune status in patients with this disease, unfortunately, does not allow answering several important questions and, first of all, primary immune disorders or are they secondary in response to chronic inflammation. In inflammatory diseases of the colon, hypersensitivity reactions to various endo- and exogenous antigens have been described. Serum antibodies have been identified that react with polysaccharide antigen from colonic mucosal cells and with E. Coli 014 antigen (Chadwick V.S., Anderson R.P., 1992). Anti-colonic antibodies have been found in non-specific ulcerative colitis. This also applies to circulating immune complexes (Doe W.F. et al., 1973; Readier A., Schreiber S., 1989). Using monoclonal antibodies, it was shown that the number of peripheral blood lymphocytes in patients with ulcerative colitis is somewhat reduced. At the same time, the proportion of the main subpopulations of T-lymphocytes did not change (Kramer J.K., 1988). There was an increase in the number of T- and B-lymphocytes in the affected mucous membrane of the colon (Konovich E. A. et al., 1988). In this regard, a comprehensive study of immunological changes is relevant and necessary, as it can help in deciphering the pathogenesis and developing targeted therapy. Given that the data on the significance of specific immunological changes and their severity are very contradictory, both immunosuppressive and immunostimulating agents are used in the treatment of nonspecific ulcerative colitis (Kirsner J.B., 1991; Hanauer S.B., 1992). In recent years, the role of intestinal microflora in the development of inflammatory diseases of the colon has again become of great interest. A change in its composition, and the occurrence of dysbiosis contribute to the development of delayed-type hypersensitivity to opportunistic flora and the appearance of antibacterial antibodies that contribute to the destruction of the intestinal mucosa (Sarkisyan B.G., 1989; Olshansky Ya.O. et al., 1983). On the other hand, an interesting direction has been the isolation of specific proteins from affected tissues in some diseases and attempts to use them as markers. In recent years, especially thanks to the work of Das et al., the presence of such proteins in ulcerative colitis has been shown. However, not all researchers share this view. Because the leading pathogenetic role in inflammatory diseases of the colon is played by immunopathological reactions, one of the most promising areas in the treatment of ulcerative colitis can be immunoprotective therapy. Its representatives may be thymus factors that induce the maturation of T-lymphocytes, enhance the reactions of cellular immunity, participate in the differentiation of T-lymphocytes, and are an effective tool for correcting secondary immunodeficiency states.
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Clinical immunological characteristics of non-specific ulcerative colitis
(Dusanov A.D., Yuldasheva D.A. Journal of Cardiorespiratory Research No. 2 (2022) DOI
Иммунологические нарушения при неспецифических воспалительных заболеваниях толстой кишки. Сов. медицина 1986, №3, с.