
  • Umarov Xasan Abdullayevich


algorithm, algorithmization, competence, algorithmic competence, ICT specialist


In this paper, the concept of "algorithmic competence" is clarified by sequentially considering the essence and content of the concepts "competence", "competence", "algorithm", analyzing the basic concepts of "algorithmization", the concepts of "algorithmic approach" and analyzing some professional competencies of a graduate of higher education areas training of ICT specialists directly related to algorithmic activity. The concept of "algorithmic competence" is concretized. The formation of algorithmic competence is expediently carried out in accordance with the stages of learning algorithmization (the communication of ready-made algorithms (their application) and the combination of ready-made algorithms and the creation of new algorithms), suggesting in the learning activities of students the implementation of a sequence of actions for the application of algorithms from the algorithm in the sense of prescription to the algorithm in the sense of performing mental actions. The integrative and activity nature of algorithmic competence as a way of implementing mental actions in the process of solving practical problems of the professional sphere is substantiated. The signs of algorithmic competence (multifunctionality, multidimensionality, a sufficient level of intellectual development of the subject of algorithmic activity) are revealed, which made it possible to attribute algorithmic competence to the key competencies of ICT specialists.


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