thinking, algorithmic thinking, means of developing students' algorithmic thinking, mental map, stages of developing a mental map, educational process, online service, formation of algorithmic thinking in the learning processAbstract
To solve complex professional problems, a modern teacher needs to have a high potential of cognitive abilities, in particular, an algorithmic style of thinking. In this regard, the training of future teachers of informatics in pedagogical universities should provide for the knowledge of the principles and methods of constructing various algorithms, the ability to analyze them and choose the most optimal options for the implementation of engineering activities among university graduates. For the full development of the algorithmic style of thinking in students in teaching methods, it is necessary to take into account all channels of psychological perception and mental processing of educational information: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. The purpose of the study presented in the publication is to theoretically substantiate the need to use in the educational process a set of didactic tools that develop the algorithmic style of thinking in students when they master the programming course.
The paper analyzes various approaches to the definition of algorithmic thinking. The concept of a mental map, the stages of its development are considered, online services for designing mind maps, the stages of developing a mental map are presented, and the possibilities of using mental maps at various stages of a training session are also identified.
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