students with disabilities; inclusive educational environment; inclusive classroom; socialization of students with disabilities; Federal State EducationalAbstract
In addition to the implementation of the Educational Standard for Children with Disabilities, there is a greater need to establish the limits of an inclusive educational environment. The authors present content characteristics for all categories of special socialization situations for students with disabilities in an inclusive educational environment. To implement inclusive practice, it is critical to create special educational situations for children with disabilities. Soviet dialectologists devised a series of unusual conditions without describing the methodology. A handicapped child cannot attend a traditional school unless certain conditions are met. We used a new approach to representing special conditions in the inclusive education system, which is based on the educational environment's structural functional model; the components of this model allowed us to identify some groups of special conditions (organizational and managerial, material and technical, organizational and pedagogical, psychological and pedagogical support organization, social-psychological and subjective). We determined the relevance and substance of extracurricular activities for successful socialization, as well as the content of each group's specific conditions.
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