An overview of art education policies in India


  • Gurdeep Kour


ancient, modern, government, education, policies, changes, digitalization


In ancient times, art was a sadhna or an exploit of veneration which emerged after aatam bodha or amending the senses. Today, art is a medium of learning and understanding various fields of life and also works like a remedy for today’s distressful life emerged through the digitalization of the modern world. Although, geographical limits of the world continuously decreasing, while the imaginations and originality of the art pieces and capability of art students is decreasing within the narrowness of apparent world. The main objective of this paper is to review the reports of Education Commissions and Educational policies of government of India to revive and modify the curriculum during pre-independence and post-independence in consecutive manner in the field of art education. The study also considers the adequacy and significance of the policies in the field of art education during today’s digital world, while on the other hand, traditional arts in vocational forms also trying to reach in the global markets to reflect their distinct identity of indigenous culture as well as source of earnings. The study is based on review of literature and exploratory method.

