
  • Tamara Kavilova
  • Ozoda Abdullayeva


functional-semantic analysis, syntagmatic semantics, temporal and aspectual meanings


The subject of this research is the artistic, graphic and stylistic features of the linguistic means of expressing the category of intensity and their functioning. The hypothesis of the research is that the means of expressing the category of intensity act as a leading element in creating the artistic imagery of the author's language, and their study makes it possible to better understand not only the writer's works, but also the active processes taking place in Uzbek literature at the present time. Thus, the functional-semantic category of aspectuality in French expresses the nature of the flow and distribution of action in time and is represented by analytical, morphological, lexical, contextual, combined and intonational means, the combination of which forms the functional-semantic field of aspectuality. It consists of a complex of integrating, but independent "partial" multiplicity and intensity, which are the dominant components; limitation, duration and phase, which are peripheral components.


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Kavilova, T., & Ravshanova, T. (2020). Об особенностях передачи иностранных слов при переводе. Архив Научных Публикаций JSPI.

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Kavilova, T. (2020). К вопросу отбора материалов при обучении иностранному языку. Архив Научных Публикаций JSPI.

Kavilova, T. (2020). Стилистические употребления глагола “Avoir” во французском и узбекском языках (на материале произведений Ж. Сименона). Архив Научных Публикаций JSPI.

Kavilova, T., & Isanova, N. (2020). К вопросу отбора художественного текста на уроках иностранных языков. Архив Научных Публикаций JSPI.


