
  • Hilola Ismailova Inomovna


phraseological units, phenomenon, euphemisms, extralinguistic, conventional, ideographic, stylistic, stylistic-ideographic, eupheminisation


The current article is devoted to the study of one synonymic group of phraseological euphemisms which is investigated from the point of view of different types of synonyms and the synonymic group of phraseological euphemisms with the meaning “to die” and have been analyzed. The analysis of phraseological synonymic euphemisms with the meaning “to die” has shown that the synonymic group consists of different groups of synonyms: equivalent, stylistic and stylistic-ideographic.
All phraseological units belonging to this group of phraseological synonyms express one and the same action, that’s why their denotational components coincide. Differences may be observed either in emotional evaluation or stylistic reference of phraseological units these features of PE are outlined in this article.


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