
  • Lucas Santoni
  • Trussardi Malonki


English speakers, Second Language, Leaning Difficulties and Teaching Methodology


Main aim of the study was focused on the non native English speakers and the difficulties they face while learning English as a second language (ESL) and the part of teachers. It is generally felt that English language plays a vital role in the job market so it is mandatory to learn the language. when the students enroll for the courses to develop the language most of the time they do not succeed because of various reasons like in- effecting teaching, lack of motivation, lack of practice sessions, poor training modules etc. Here we conducted a semi- structured interview in the process of collecting data from more than 158 degree pursuing students. The result indicates that the teaching methodology of the teachers is more important to develop the English language of the students.


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Naimi amara, Errors Correction in Foreign Language Teaching, The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education – July 2015 Volume 5, Issue 3

