
  • Ulug’bek Yo’ldoshev Ravshanbekovich


Translation is a peculiar sample of creativity and it is a means of communication between two nations. In order to accept the text of the translation as a text with equal expressiveness to the original text, we must translate the text without any mistakes as much as possible. We know that translation can be divided into several types according to the style of the text, such as literary, scientific, official, journalistic, technical, and economical and others.
The most complicated type one is literary translation among other types of translation because of the usage of literary-expressive means, the existence of the specific connotative meanings in linguistic units and other factors. Teaching students to literary translation requires a great deal of hard work and skill. In the process of teaching translation, a teacher may face two main difficulties. The first is the decline in students ’interest in literary translation due to the complexity of the text.
The second is the lack of translation exercises that form students’ skills in the process of teaching literary translation. This article discusses the exercises; their types and content are used in teaching students literary translation.


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