
  • Jalolova Nigora Jalilovna
  • Akhmedova Nodima Izzatullaevna


Communicative competence, computer mediated communication (CMC), authentic and interactive learning tasks


Moving away from the 'focus on form' teaching approach of grammar translation and audiolingualism, more language teachers have recently recognized the failure of the form-focused approach in developing learners' communicative ability in real-life situations and have shifted to the communicative language approach. Instructing (CLT). The CLT method emphasizes students' communication abilities (Hymes, 1972) It is described as a learner's ability to communicate effectively in the target language and In real-life settings, you'll be able to communicate effectively (Lightbown and Spada, 1999; Power, 2003). Learners must not only gain linguistic but also pragmatic understanding of the TL in order to do so. Hedgcock (2002, Hedgcock, Hedgcock, Hedgcock, He Competence, both linguistic and pragmatic, is said to be the knowledge. As a result of exposure and use, it has been developed and acquired (Kasper, 1997).


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