
  • Amanov A.K.
  • Atajanov I.SH
  • Sobirov J.X


free industrial economic zone, special customs regime, special tax regime, special currency regime, innovation-industrial complex, transport-logistics complex, social-recreational complex, intermodal hub, investment, export, import, moderishion, diverficeshion, free economic zone


This article describes the establishment of the Navoi Free Economic Zone, which was one of the first in Uzbekistan and is now considered the leader in this field in the country, its specific economic and geographical features (economic and geographical location, natural resources and transport. infrastructure, as well as its location in relation to utilities and labor resources), through the gradual study of available information on short-term achievements and future development.
In the development of scientific recommendations and proposals for the Navoi FEZ, a lot of guidance and scientific literature, as well as information on the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, presidential decrees and resolutions, decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as websites were used. Comparison, systematic analysis and cartographic methods were used to study the data on the Navoi FEZ in relation to the historical and territorial principles of geography.
Through a detailed study of the SEZ "Navoi", the economic potential of the economic zone (favorable natural conditions, rich mineral resources, cheap labor and the existing consumer market), as well as the possibility of their effective use in the field, together, to further enhance the attractiveness of the facilities created for domestic and foreign investors.


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