
  • Nigora Egamberdiyeva


Avesta, ancient Khorezm, Ayranem Vayjo, Аryashayana, Amudarya, Syrdarya, Fratafern, Alexander the Great, Achaemenid, Dara I, Bekhistun, Heradot, Skilak


The article analyses the history of ancient Khorezm “Avesta”, written sources of the Achaemenid period, the history of the study of information in ancient Greek and Roman sources and the ideas were put forward. The very ancient parts of “Avesta” relating to the late 2nd and 1st millennium B.C as well as the sites of its connection with Khorezm was learned. In the 6th century B.C. ancient Khorezm was in the city of Achaemenids and from the beginning of 4th century B.C. it began to run policy as an independent government. Ancient Khorezm sent its own ambassador Fratafern to Alexander the Great and achieved to make friendly arrangements.
Much information in the written manuscripts relating to the history of ancient Khorezm is disputable, future period researches and archaeological data may define it precisely.


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