
  • Turganov Baxit Qurbanbaevich
  • Reimbayev Rustem Sarsenbayevich
  • Keranova Aigul Kuandykovna


Khorezm, written sources, cities of the Middle Age, metal things, trade relationship, handicraft centers, blacksmith trade, arm equipment trade


The article studies the history of the medieval metalworking craft of Khorezm on the basis of information from written sources. Iron products were widely used in the economic and social life of Khorezm. Metal raw materials and certain types of weapons were imported from neighboring countries, some of the metal products were used for foreign trade. The process of specialization of some branches of metalworking in Khorezm has began since the X century. The analysis of the sources indicates to the consistent development of metalworking in Khorezm during the IX-XIV centuries.


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