Coherence of the consular protection institution with other legal branches and institutions of international law
institute of consular protection, legal assistance, consul, consular office, institutional relationship, consular legal aspectAbstract
This article reveals the features of the institution of consular protection as an interdisciplinary institution of international law. At the same time, the article provides a general analysis of the situation in the world in this direction. The author emphasizes the characteristic aspects of the development of the institution of consular protection of our time. Researching this issue, the author comes to the conclusion that the current historical period in the development of world relations poses complex, multifaceted and urgent tasks for the institution of consular protection of the rights of citizens of each country. In turn, the institution of consular protection is developing intensively and this development had no analogues in the history of consular law in its intertwining with other branches of public international law.
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