Identification of mycobacterium tuberculosis in tuberculosis patients
tb, mycobacterium, AFB, infectiousAbstract
Mycobacterium is the cause of tuberculosis specifically in third world countries. In this recent research some basic techniques have been used to identify the mycobacterium in T.B (Tuberculosis) patients. The mycobacterium is also called acid fast (bacilli). Different techniques were used for diagnosis of TB in the current study. By using these techniques the presence of the AFB (Acid-Fast bacilli) can be identified in the patients that showed the TB like symptoms. These different techniques for the identification of AFB are, LED microscopy auramine staining, Gen expert technique, and culture media. The sensitivity of the LED microscope is higher than light microscope comparable specificity. Result by LED microscope were obtained in crystals like formation of the AFB (Acid-Fast bacilli). The presence of the AFB showed that result is positive for diagnosis of TB. The presence of the AFB shows the patient is suffering from TB. The techniques are very use full in identification of Bacteria as well as diagnosis of TB in patients.