Comparative study on the nutritional status of brick industrial worker between male and female, West Bengal


  • Sudip Kumar Das
  • Abhisek Das


Brick worker, nutritional status, BMI, MUAC, WHR


Brick field industries are one of the largest and oldest industries in India, in which millions of skilled and unskilled workers from all over the country make their livelihood. Brick is one of the most important building materials or unit of construction in India. Fried clay bricks are produced in India and about 42,000 small or cottage scale brick kilns and clamps operate seasonally. As per the latest estimate annual production of bricks in India is 51,000 million from 45,000 small/cottage scale units distributed throughout the country and there are 2.5 million workers employed in the sector. The present study is objected for following factors: To study the Nutritional Status and Health Status of brick industrial worker between male and female in connection to their dietary analysis, to study Height, Weight, B.M.I and W.H.R. of brick industrial worker following anthropometric technique to search out their nutritional status comparing with specific ratio like W.H.R and B.M.I., to compare the health status between male and female brick workers which may be caused due to insufficient intake of nutrient and imbalance between nutrient intake and energy expenditure and to analysis the dietary consumption of brick industrial worker between male and female. Nutritionists have an essential role optimizing the health of all ages and abilities because due to heavy demand of physical activity workers need extra nutritional foods both female and male. There are three basic fuels the relics on while physical activity- carbohydrate, fat, protein needs more calories from these fuels are required to sustain energy levels and maintain lean body mass, particularly, a balance diet that is high in carbohydrate, low in fat and adequate protein with rich in vitamins, minerals and anti-oxident is the recommended for brick worker. Female worker are also deprive the foods because they like to distribute the foods among male worker in their family. So they are also deficit of these nutrients. Workers should be encouraged to eat a wide variety of foods; this does not mean convincing the vegetarian that they need poultry, fish or dairy products in diets. Low cost available local foods should be included in diet. These are papaya, guava etc.

