Isolation and screening of textile dye decolorizing bacteria from textile industrial effluent


  • Shete UR
  • Waghmare VM
  • Dhande NM


Textile dye, decolorizing bacteria, textile industrial effluent


Environmental pollution caused by the release of a wide range of dyes through industrial wastewater is a serious problem in present days. Removal of dyes through microorganisms has been identified as a cost effective and environment friendly alternative for disposal of textile effluent. The present study objective is the isolation and the screening of bacteria from textile industrial effluent and evaluation of their ability to decolorize commonly used dyes. Textile effluent sample were collected from the textile industries and isolated bacterial culture were evaluated for the decolorization of Jakafi red, Jakafi blue and Jackofix golden yellow dyes. Decolorization of three selected dyes by selected isolates was determined at their specific maximum wavelength in the culture supernatant using a U V spectrophotometer. Screening of dye decolorizing bacterial isolates showed that sixteen isolates appeared positive in response to decolorization of different dyes. Three bacterial strains were identified to be capable of decolorizing more than 45% of dyes up to species. The strains were Pseudomonas sp. (S3, S11 and S12), Klebisiella sp. (S4). and Aeromonas sp. (S2), Isolate Pseudomonas sp. (S3) was the most efficient bacterial isolates to decolorize dyes by 45% to 50% removal efficiency. The isolated and identified bacterial strains were found to be most effective and having enormous potential of textile dye degradation under versatile environmental conditions.

