Isolation of food poisoning bacteria from contaminated foods


  • Gothoskar VS
  • Mrudula Satish Kulkarni


food pathogens, staphylococcus aureus, e. coli, salmonella spp & clostridium spp


Food borne pathogens are perceived as a major health problem in all over world. Contamination arises from unclean raw food materials, use of polluted water, unhygienic preparations process & use of contaminated utensils. Here in, prevalence of food borne pathogens in raw, processes food & ready to eat from five different locations were studied. Microbiological analysis as per I.P. (Indian Pharmacopeia).of 5 specimen samples were done which included dairy products, leafy vegetable salad, poultry products & meat products. The isolates were enriched, isolated & identified using suitable broth, selective agar medium & biochemical tests. Bacterial growth was found in all food samples. Microorganisms isolated includes Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, Salmonella spp & Clostridium spp. This result indicated that most of the raw food, processes food & ready to eat food samples examined in the study did not meet any bacteriological quality standard as recommended by Food Authority, it poses potential risks to consumers. Raw food, processes food Ready- to- eat fast foods must be cooked and served to the consumers with all hygienic measures.

