Inner: Reservation policy in Tamil Nadu: A critical appraisal


  • A Ranjith Kumar


Constitution, Scheduled, enforceable, distribution


Constitution of India highlights that legal right to provides social justice for all section of communities. For these purpose researcher illustrates relevant article of the constitution of India. The article 46 of the Indian constitution assurances that “the state shall promote with special care the educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the people and, in particular, of the scheduled castes and the scheduled tribes, and shall protect them from social injustice and all forms of exploitation” which comes under Directive Principle of State Policy (DPSP). It instruments to government for the social change through law making in faviour of weaker section of the people particularly scheduled caste and scheduled tribes. The Directive Principle of State Policy is not enforceable in the any court. At the same time, constitution is giving certain legal provisions to promote social security and social justice. The preamble of the constitution provides three kinds of justice, namely social, political and economic justice. Social justice is abolishing the artificial social barriers, Economic justice highlights that attainment of equality in economic status and promotion of the equitable distribution of material resources and another one of the importance justice is as political justice. It is powerful source of the constitution of India. It maintains fair and free participation of the people in the political process on bases of Universal Adult Suffrage (above 18 years in India). Article 16 also provides reservation in favour of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes as well as women and children. This article mainly focuses that the reservation in public employment for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Even though many reservation policy is being implemented by the ministry of social justice and empowerment. In this circumstance, reservation policy has not properly executed and implemented. The present study would like to raising following research questions are why constitution has given special provision for SCs/STs? Why constitution makers had given special provision for SCs/STs. Is this provisions are making the SCs/STs people to uphold their dignity in the caste society? Why the objectives of the reservation policy does not accomplish so far. What is beyond it? This study critically investigates the issues and challenges of the Scheduled Castes reservation policy.

