The climate cooperation between the US and China plays an important role, despite the differences between the countries on a number of issues. This was stated on Wednesday by US Special Envoy for Climate Affairs, former Secretary of State John Kerry, speaking in Glasgow at the 26th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change COP27 after the release of a joint US-China climate statement.
Barber B. Conable, Jr., David M. Lampton. «china: The coming Power» , Foreign Affairs, winter 1992/1993; Elizabeth Economy, The River Runs Black: The Environmentai Challengr to Chinas Future, Council on Foreign Relations Books, Cornell University, 2004
Ed Miliband: China to hijack Copenhagen climate deal , The Guardion , 21 December 2009 , http: theguardian, com/ environment/2009/dec/20/er-milid-china-copenhagen-summit.
Jonna I.Lewis, «Chinas Strategic Priorities in International Climate Change Negotiations», The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 31, No.1, winter 2007-2008, pp.155-174.; 以及Bjorn Conrad, China in Copenhage: Reconciling the Beijing Climate Revolution and the Cohenhage Cliimate Obstinacy Quarterly, 210, June 2010, pp.435-455.
Peter M. Haas. Do Regimes Matter? Epistemic Communities and Medirerranean Pollution Control. International Organization, 1989, 43 (3) pp.377-430.