Economic challenges experienced by clothing manufacturing industries in Zimbabwe: A case of Harare clothing manufacturing companies
economic challenges, fashion industry, corruption, national lawsAbstract
The study assessed economic challenges in Zimbabwe clothing manufacturing industry and sought to understand how economic challenges are impacting on clothing manufacturing industries in Zimbabwe. It utilised the case study research design and collected primary research findings using structured interviews conducted on management and employees from four clothing manufacturing companies in Harare. The study sample was selected qualitatively using a non-probability sampling strategy and the convenience sampling technique. Research findings showed that while government is implementing laws to the advantage of the clothing manufacturing industry the laws passed by different ministries were not complimenting each other. It was noted that corruption was contributing a lot to the operations of this industry. The study recommended tough measures against perpetrators of corruption if the clothing manufacturing industry is to regain its status. The clothing manufacturing industries of Zimbabwe need to upgrade their standard of quality by initiating skills training opportunities to SMEs practitioners so that their products can compete on the international market. The clothing manufacturing industry needs to incorporate the use of ICTs in the production, distribution and marketing of goods and services to widen their customer base and encourage export markets.