Analysis of physicochemical parameters and spatial variation of groundwater quality in Gombe, Gombe state Nigeria


  • Maina Benjamin


water quality, groundwater, physical and chemical water parameters


Physicochemical parameters such as temperature, pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), turbidity, conductivity, Nitrate, Phosphate, Sodium, hardness and Fluoride of groundwater were investigated in six selected areas of Gombe metropolis with the core aim of examining the effects of sewage on groundwater quality. One-way analysis of variance was employed to test the spatial variation in the concentration of the aforementioned water parameters in the low, medium and high density residential areas within the study area. T-test was used to compare the result obtained with World Health Organisation (WHO) water quality acceptable standards. A total of six (6) samples were collected from borehole water in high, medium and low density areas of the study area. Afterward the water samples were analysed in the laboratory. Physical parameters indicated that there is no significant variation in the concentration of all the selected analysed physical parameters among low, medium and high density residential area and temperature and turbidity fall within WHO permissible standard. Total dissolved solid exceeded WHO permissible standard limit, on the other hand chemical parameters analysed revealed that there is no significant spatial variation in the concentration of pH, conductivity, Fluorite, Nitrate, Phosphate in the studied area. However, the analysis of hardness and sodium concentration revealed that their spatially variation is significant. In relation to WHO permissible standard, only pH and Fluorite fall within permissible limit, while conductivity, hardness, Nitrite, Phosphate and Sodium exceeded WHO water quality standard. It is therefore, essential to treat water from ground water sources to make it fit for both drinking and domestic use. It is of paramount importance for government to embark on regular environmental sanitation monitoring within the study area and also provide portable water to the study area to avoid outbreak of waterbone diseases.

