Management for community development: Musoromuchena community engagement for lifelong learning and action for sustainable development fruit tree growing initiative


  • Edlight Mutungwe
  • Lucia Sithole


management, nutrition, community engagement, lifelong learning and sustainable development


Lifelong learning (LLL) is important for rural development to impart knowledge, skills and technology that are constantly renewed for the betterment of society. This action research raises awareness on nutrition and health, environmental conservation and organising the community for fruit tree growing in Musoromuchena, Makonde District. Twenty volunteer families were used for the development of a three-year lifelong learning project that aims to equip the community with knowledge, skills and incubation of a fruit tree growing enterprise premised on nutrition, health, water, energy and environmental conservation issues for rural development. This baseline survey assessed knowledge levels and attitudes of participants whose results are informing the development of modules and frameworks for the project. Findings and observations show that the area has no safe water sources, fruit trees and has poor environmental conservation practices hence the project is confident that the fruit tree growing modules will go a long way to raise awareness of people on nutrition and health, fruit tree nursery, growing and harvesting for income generation.

