Theoretical and methodical aspects of the organization of students’ independent study activities together with the use of ICT and tools


  • Xidirbaev Sherali
  • Abdurahmanov Davron


students’ independent study activity, process of activity’s organization, ICT, ICTs and tools


In the article the possibilities and classification of ICTs and tools that can be used in organizing students’ independent study activities of higher education institutions has been explored. It is determined the students’ independent study activities is individual, group, collective activity and is implemented within the process of education under the condition of no pedagogy’s direct involvement. It complies with the requirements of the curriculum and syllabus and is aimed at students’ acquisition of some social experiences in line with the learning objectives of vocational training. The analysis of the latest information and technological approaches to the organization of students’ independent study activities made it possible to determine the means of realization of the leading forms of organization for this activity (independent and research work, lectures, consultations and non-formal education), to characterize and classify the ICTs and tools that support presentation of teaching materials, electronic communication, mastering of learning material, monitoring of students’ learning and cognitive activity, such as ones that serve for the sake of development and support of automated training courses, systems of remote virtual education with elements of artificial intelligence, which implement the principle of adaptive management of learning and the organization of students’ independent study activities.


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