figurative language, poetics, diwan, gazelle, tuyugh, qit’a, (classical forms of poetry found in classical Turkic poetry) and rubai (quatrain), оde, genrе, poemAbstract
The article analyses peculiar features of Gadoi’s creative heritage. The beloved’s beauty is depicted remarkably tenderly in his gazelles. Lover’s beauty of such body parts as brows, eyes, hair, lips and their symbolic meanings are thoroughly shown in the article as well as innovative characteristics of Gadoi are researched. One can witness that poet’s majority of poems are romantic. Lyric hero’s feelings and expressing objects’ feature are combined together. In other words, numbers of his romantic gazelles are devoted to mysticism. Therefore, gazelles are divided into two parts: metaphorical and divine. Relating to XV century there was a combination of gazelles’ shape and content and they devoted both to Allah and beloved one in Gadoi’s works. It reveals poet’s unusual talent. Furthermore, Gadoi’s poetry was not only about beloved one, but also about nature, society, motherland as well as a sense of kindness among people. Gadoi used so many poetic arts in his gazelles skillfully that we consider him as an affectionate writer.
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